The crest is composed of a yellow flaming torch superimposed over St. Andrew’s Cross on a green background. The initials A.G.H.S are found above the crest, while the school motto ’Walk in the light’s found underneath it, both written in yellow
The colour yellow represents the Light of the torch, while the green colour depicts the life given by the Light and the White colour speaks of the product of this life.
The school uniform is Green. Green is life which signifies growth of the school.
The school song was composed by an ’A’ level student, Mary Dena in 1985. This was after the poor examination results which depressed AGHS.The song was meant to stimulate and inspire the girls to continue working as a team to revive their lost glory. Indeed, it was regained. Today some students feel that the words of the song are inspiring and give them a sense of belonging and direction. The school song is usually sang at the beginning and end of every school term as a constant reminder to all gathered of the comradeship at AGHS:
Friends are precious, they’re the best of all things that one can ever have,
Nothing material can take the place of the comradeship between you and I.
Genuine friendship has no jealousy no pride,it has no envy and no lies
It has no room for loneliness and pain,because it’s all based on love.
Based on love
The light of Alliance has always been and forever will be our guide,
Challenge can never alter the course of the goals we’ve all set for our lives.
The light of Alliance stands for unity and hope, it binds us together,makes us one,
It gives us the strength to courageously go forth, all in the power of the Lord.
Of the Lord.